Crumbs Brewing
44% of all bread made in the UK never gets eaten. That is a shocking waste.
At Crumbs Brewing we are doing our bit to address this growing problem by making our beers from bread that would otherwise go to waste. That’s right, we make beer out of leftover bread.
But we don’t just use any old loaves in our brews. We use leftover loaves from our local bakery, Chalk Hills, in Reigate. Their bread is delicious, handmade artisan bread so our beers have to do it justice. So each of our brews uses a different leftover loaf in its recipe. That way the style and flavours of the loaf are reflected in the taste of the beer. From our light, zesty sourdough pale ale to our dark mysterious rye ruby ale, there’ll be a style that you love.
Gift Card Details
How to use your gift cards: We can’t accept Love Reigate gift cards online currently but fear not, just pop into Chalk Hills Bakery on Bell Street to get your fill of Crumbs. Simply shop as usual and present your Love Reigate gift card(s) when you come to pay.